Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Why Stuff is Gay

"Why Stuff is Gay" is not politically correct, now is it?  "Retard" is supposedly offensive.  So is saying "That's gay," or "Oprah's black," or "I was eating my lunch and some Indian came up and asked me for the time."  All of those were quiet politically incorrect. Even racist. Right?


I am so done with calling receptionists or secretaries, "Administrative Assistants." Why would I spend that much time with that long and obnoxious alliteration? I'm a receptionist.  La dee frickin dah.

Oprah IS black. She wasn't born in Africa.  Most "African-American" people weren't. I'm sorry, but I don't go around correcting people about my German/Scottish/English heritage, now do I?  "Excuse me, people of the world, I'm caucasian.  Did you just call me white?  Did you just--oh my.  No, no, that's unacceptable. You're a terrible human being.  Get out.  Learn yourself some socially acceptable mannerisms and then come talk to me."  No, I've never said that. Mostly because I don't know when people would approach me abuot being white. However, it's possible.  Black people? Be. Black. You are not ACTUALLY black, but I'm not ACTUALLY white! I'm more of a mottled peach. Therefore, please address me as such.  In addition to this, I'm really curious--who's pushing the "African American" card? Black people, or white people? 

Now. When I say, "Well that was gay," I don't actually mean it's homosexual. I mean it was dumb, or I didn't like it. It is no reflection on homosexual people or anything at all.  If it was a reflection on a group of people I felt negatively towards, I would start saying, "Man, that was so political," Or "You're such a politician.  Stop being so politician-like.  Loser."

Next, Indians--are Indians. We've been calling them that for ever. I'm not about to adopt the words, "Native American." That takes wayyy too long to say.  Six syllables? Are you joking me?  I could have posted something awesome on Facebook or made a grilled cheese in the time it took me to say "Native American." Oh, look, a grilled cheese.

While I'm feeling irritated about stuck-up "open-minded" retards going around labelling everything I hold dear to my vocabulary, "Politically Incorrect," I'll just throw this out there, "Merry Christmas!"

I REFUSE upon threat of death to say "Happy Holidays."  Christmas Break is Christmas Break.  Winter Break is a result of friggin Christmas Break.  People get off work for CHRISTMAS.  Not because it's "Winter."  Freakin tards.  There is no such thing as holiday break. Holiday? Holiday for what? Kwanzaa?  Seriously what?  You know who started complaining about the whole, "Merry Christmas" thing, don't you? It wasn't the Jews. they have their Hanukkah and their Adam Sandler and they're fine.  It wasn't the Kwanzaa-ites.  I don't even know who celebrates Kwanzaa honestly. What the heck is it about anyway? The people that began to feel irritated and leftout were the freakin Atheists!

Now don't get me wrong, America is freedom of religion for everybody.  I consider Atheism a belief, and therefore sort of a religion. Whatever, it's getting complicated. Point is, some little kid got upset because his parents said that he couldn't have Christmas and he grew up hating Christmas and decided to fuss about it and now everyone has to sing "Holiday music" and wish each other a "Happy Holiday" when they're checking out with all their Christmas gifts at Wal-Mart.

Give me a freakin break.

So to all you politically correct high-society gay-tards, get off your Equestrian Mammal Friend With Feelings-it's a horse, and you sound like a prick calling it an Equestrian Mammal Friend With Feelings.

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