Monday, July 2, 2012

The Adult World...Sucks.

Ok. So my mother is probably reading this saying to herself with passionate indignance, "Ginger! Sucks is a bad word and sounds trashy coming out of your mouth!"
Well Mother, and all those who side with her, the adult world sucks! There's no way to get around it. It is not time for eloquence. It's time to complain.

Want to know why it sucks? 

Reason One:
Dieting is a terrible, terrible thing.  I'm sitting here, drinking as much water as I possibly can before I have to rush to the toilet, snacking on dried up little raisins and warm yogurt. This. Sucks.
We all hate being hungry. It makes us irritable. And yet everyone's trying to diet to look good and feel good, when really you look sort of maniacal in your desperation to control your urge for a twinkie and you feel like crap, and desperate for a twinkie.

Sidenote:  That picture of rather crispy looking twinkies is there because I decided my blog needs some color. And some twinkie pictures. Sorry fellow dieters. 

Reason Two:
Work sucks.  It's summer. I don't want to go to an office!  Nobody does. Nobody wants to stare at a computer or hammer things or be outside in the heat or whatever it is.  Work is adulthood and it sucks.  I really don't have to go into much detail here, I feel, because I can just picture lots of people nodding along in sympathy, empathy, and self-pity.  I don't care for that dumb apothegm optimistic people shove in my face: "Find a job that fills you with passion and then you'll be happy in life." Or something along those lines. A job is a job is a job. Get over it, you pencil-pushing happy people. 

Ahem.  I love The Office.  It is the epitome of work, or lack thereof. 

Reason Three:
Taxes, Money, Budgets, Financial Crap
All of this is just misery in itself.  I know there will be people who like dealing with money tsk-tsking at me.  Not to be rude but...screw you.  Mother, if you're reading this, just edit it to be...darn...darn you. Darn you people. There we go. Money's great if you have it. If you don't, then you feel stressed to get it.  Once you have it even you feel stressed about how you're going to spend it, if you're going to spend it, who's going to spend it, and what it's being spent on.  Basically adulthood is controlled by everything financial. 

I included no picture for Taxes.  I will save any images for a good hearty rant on taxes which will surely come later.

All in all?  Adulthood. It sucks.

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