Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I Hate Titles

I hate titles. That is not the subject of this post, but I freakin hate them. For those of you who regularly check my blog (Mother) stop expecting great titles anymore. Most of the time they're lame anyway.

I swear if one more person sympathetically hands me a job to do at work I'm going to throw my water bottle at them and then attack them with the fury of one who has been dieting, poorly, for a week and is in desperate need of something fried and greasy. 

"Here, poor Ginger, you who are so bored at work, I know you don't have much to do, so please copy these 1000 papers of this super important document I created to give you something to do, staple it, pack it into envelopes along with this handout, and then you won't be so bored." *insert pitying smile* 

Alright, no, I don't have much to do at this very moment, except blog about how I don't have much to do, but no, I do not want to copy your stupid papers and stuff them in envelopes. Do it yourself!  You probably just got back from a seminar entitled, "How to Delegate the Meaningless Stuff to Those You Consider Inferior to Yourself."  Jerk.

I'm serious. The next time someone hands me five different stacks of paper, asks me to copy each paper individually, staple it together, and gives me the "oh I'm so happy I could ease the pain of your boredom" look, I'm going to staple the papers right to their self-righteous forehead and go back to blogging. 

Take that.

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