Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Independence Day

Ok.  It is Independence Day and I would be remiss, not to mention a failure of a US citizen, if I did not express patriotism and gratitude for our beautiful America. 

I  am a very cynical, sarcastic person, but I truly do love our nation.  I do not serve in the military, nor do I like taxes, nor do I approve of our president, nor do I approve of most political things--but America is not simply politics.  Politics, government, military, they're all part of America but America is so much more, right?  America is freedom.  I can get on this blog and, if I wanted to, badmouth our leaders, the way the country is run, and even the flag.  (I'll do plenty of badmouthing our leaders and the way the country is run, but NOT the flag.  What could be better than red, white, and blue?) Yes, yes, of course there are limitations and everyone's flipping out over the Patriot Act or whatever it was.  I don't keep up with what political problem is going down when, just so you all know.  I digress.

Frankly, the United States is the best country in the world. There, I said it. Go ahead, disagree--because you're allowed to!  That's the wonderful thing.  You CAN disagree.  You can be whatever religion, race, even gender, you want to be.  You can hate the government and burn flags, or you can run for office and try to change it.  You can have a say in your government's doings, or you can protest them.  And if you don't feel like you have any of those freedoms?  You can complain, organize followers, take it to court, whatever.  You can do all these things! 

I'm sick and tired of hearing Anti-America crap.  I get so irritated when people spew rubbish about those sacrificing women and men fighting for our rights.  I hate it when people put down something I love--The United States of America.  But you know what?  They're allowed to have those opinions, because America says so. 

So.  I love America. We've established that.  Nextly, I would just like to discuss fireworks.

I'm not a big fireworks junkie.  When I was younger I harbored a deathly fear of fire, and consequently, after my dad burnt up a small portion of our backyard with a firework gone wrong, fireworks joined the hate list.  However, one 4th of July, when I was much older, I sat outside with my family, watching an array of dazzling fireworks light up the valley we live in.  It was incredible. 

Now I'm aware that most people shoot off fireworks because they're pyromaniacs, or like to pretend so.  However, in that moment, watching as every household in the valley, or so it seemed, shoot off fireworks on our nation's birthday, I felt the most incredible sense of patriotism wash over me and I understood, to just a tiny degree, why people would fight and die for this country. 

So on our nation's birthday, I'd like to thank those men and women that do fight and die for this country. I want to thank the Founding Fathers and all the brave people throughout history who have given their all for our, for my, rights.  We truly are blessed to live in such a great country.  Happy Independence Day.

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