Monday, July 2, 2012

The Truth About Uniqueness

People of the Web,
I just realized how many Tales of a Redhead kind of blogs there are.  It's kind of embarrassing how unique I thought I was being. However, I promise not to make this about redheaded-ism at all.  I mean, yeah I might post about some redhead stuff, but not much.  I'm just a redhead so I thought that I would blog as one. Silly me, wanting to be special and not like everybody else.  What a very common want.  I guess I'll never be different from everyone.  Since I want to be unique, that makes me like everybody else.  Fantastic.  I feel kind of depressed now.

Which still makes me like everybody else. Grr. Ok. That's it. I shall embrace being, as the "hipsters" would say, "Mainstream" and just be who I am and say what I feel and reach for the stars and all that other inspirational crap. Head's up for you all (also I will never say ya'll. There's nothing wrong with saying it, if you're from the South. Or Texas. Or both.  I'm not, hence I will not partake in such things.)  I do not post much inspirational stuff. I'm not one of those persons that goes looking for things to inspire or motivate or whatever. If someone shoves something happy or motivation-worthy in my face and I feel like it inspires even me, then I shall post it. Other than that, fear not. I shall stick to making fun of humanity instead of finding heartwarmings things to say about it.

On a secondary thought, I hope no one is wary of my blog because I'm a redhead. Or because it's new. Or because nobody really cares about it, besides me.  Do not be afraid to think I'm hilarious or witty or entertaining.  One day my sister told me the only reason people laughed at my jokes is because I laugh at them and think I'm so funny.  Well, if such is the case people, I'm cracking up here at myself.  Ok, not really. Yet.

I'm getting off track. 

I tend to ramble and then you get confused and I get lost and it's no good and then I'm just like EVERY OTHER BLOG. 

Ok. Uniqueness gone. I'm just like everybody else. We're all alike somehow, if even for the mere fact that we all don't want to be alike. 

I'm done with this.

<Insert clever/unique signout line>

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