Thursday, July 12, 2012

Babies, Babies, Babies...


Why do actors have so many babies???

I was surfing celeb news, because obviously that's much more important than that old-news, trite, over-dramatized, war in The Iraq or whatever, and what do I see?  "Twilight actor's gf has baby.  Reese is prego.  Thor's girl has baby. Blondie, from 50 first Dates has baby.  Hugh Dancy (got his last name because he's beautiful) will have first child and his woman might be present too.  Rumors of Charlie Sheen's alien pregnancy circulate..."

Seriously what??   Not that I'm anti-birth or anti-children or anti-happiness, but none of these people are married, nor will they stay married for very long, and they're all popping out babies like the end of the world is coming! (If someone murmurs the words twenty twelve spookily right now I swear...) I'm sorry, but if you're that wealthy--and unstable in everything besides finances--, use a freaking condom!  Ever heard the ol, "I don't wanna bring kids into this messed up world?" Apply it, for once!  You're the people who are the most messed up!

Honestly, Hollywood.  What is with the babies? Did I miss the memo?  Did  it go something like, "EVERYONE. IMPREGNATE THE CLOSEST ATTRACTIVE PERSON TO YOU. NOW. THANK YOU."??

You know who got the memo. You knew as soon as I asked my first question. You're absolutely right.   Angelina Jolie and Billy Rae Cyrus.

....Upon closer inspection I have decided that is not Mr. Cyrus and instead is actually Angelina's live-in nanny, by the name of "Brad Pitt." Never heard of him.  Apparently his mother is conservative...That's all I know. 

Also that Asian woman in the background looks like she wants her son back.  But, knowing Anglina's Mother-Lioness-like fighting skills, Miss Asian is wise to stay back.

Enough commentary.  I just want to get my hands on that illusive, but apparently very real, memo.  Here's to baby-making before the Apolocalypse. Cheers. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Cynical Ginger for giving me the opportunity to explode with laughter. Well said, Hollywood should probably turn off the baby making music (if there is even such a thing) and put on the, uh, screamo.
