1. Talk about your ex all the time.
If I hear another dumb sentence about how great your ex was then I'm going to shove something sharp down your throat. I don't care if she was Angelina freaking Jolie. I don't want to hear ANOTHER WORD.
I am not your ex for a reason. That reason being because your ex is not me. Duh. There's nothing else to say about this.
4. Spend inordinate amounts of time with your "best friend." Who is of the opposite gender.
5. Post pictures on Facebook of you with your "best friend," with hearts and smiles in the comment section.
I do not want to see bullcrap pictures of you and your "best friend"
hugging and rough-housing in adorable Instagram settings. Nope. Those
pictures are either with me-YOUR GIRLFRIEND AHEM--or no one.
Any other dating faux pauxes? Let me know!